The reception on the East Coast was a bit chillier than the designers
had anticipated. New York fashion critics, who regularly juicy couture shoes
criticized the overly casual style of the West Coaster, turned up their
noses at the ensemble which many deemed cheesy or sloppy. Eventually
however, the tracksuits crossed the country and became a staple on
college campuses, in salons, shopping malls and restaurants. Since then
the Juicy Couture brand has expanded to a full juicy couture bikini
line of clothing. From sweatsuits to jeans, to shirts to gowns, the
Juicy empire has made incredible strides over many years.
In one the most interesting fashion stories of the twentieth century,
what began as a simple tracksuit created by two Los Angeles area
mothers, rebuffed all of the negative sneering of the fashion community
and became a powerful player in the fashion game. Regardless of
people's initial attitudes towards the fashion house, they eventually
proved that they were worthy of high fashion status and have enjoyed the
status of a high quality fashion
Juicy couture sale house for several years.